85425ea0 Carburetor 35 PDSI

Details of the carburetor 35 PDSI

1 – cover,
2 – laying,
3 – needle valve,
4 – float axis bracket,
5 – float axis,
6 – float,
7 – carburetor case,
8 – the valve blocking fuel supply
9 – spring of a diaphragm of the accelerating pump,
10 – diaphragm of the accelerating pump,
11 – cover of a diaphragm of the accelerating pump,
12 – nut of draft of the accelerating pump,
13 – spring,
14 – draft of the accelerating pump,
15 – diffuser,
16 – laying,
17 – screw of adjustment of turns of idling,
18 – screw of adjustment of quality of fuel mix,
19 – knot of a butterfly valve,
20 – the screw of adjustment of the accelerated idling turns,
21 – draft of the accelerated idling turns,
22 – main fuel jet,
23 – cap of the main jet,
24 – valve of enrichment of partial loading

Capital repairs of the carburetor are necessary only at wear of details of the carburetor. Usually for restoration of normal operability of the carburetor it is enough to uncover the carburetor and to clear cameras of the carburetor of a deposit and to blow jets compressed air.

1. Remove the carburetor from the engine and clear the external surface of the carburetor. Remove a bracket which fixes thirst of the accelerated idling turns for the lever on an axis of the air gate.
2. Unscrew six screws and uncover the carburetor.
3. Unscrew the needle valve.
4. Unscrew a carving stopper and take a measuring pin.
5. Remove a spring bracket, take an axis of a float and remove a float from the carburetor.
6. The valve of enrichment of partial loading is screwed in in the float ball basis.
7. Insert the screw-driver through an opening, take a ball of a float and unscrew the main jet.
8. The case of the air gate is screwed on the carburetor case by two screws and for its removal at first disconnect draft of the accelerating pump, then unscrew screws.
9. Unscrew four screws and remove the accelerating pump.
10. Clear all details and check their state for existence of wear or damages.
11. Blow compressed air all jets and channels of the carburetor. For cleaning of jets do not use a wire, otherwise calibration of jets will be broken.
12. Replace all sealing rings, laying and diaphragms.
13. The provisions of a float given for adjustment are absent.

14. Collect the carburetor in the sequence, the return dismantling, and make adjustments of the carburetor.