85425ea0 The accelerated idling turns

Adjustment can be carried out as on the carburetor installed in the car and on the carburetor removed from the car.

1. If the carburetor is removed from the car, rotate draft of the gate sideways of the carburetor against the stop of the lever in the limiter and full closing of the air gate.
2. In this position of draft it is possible to insert a drill shaft diameter equal to a gap of the valve of bystry idling, between a butterfly valve and the diffuser of the carburetor.
3. For carrying out adjustment weaken a lock-nut on the screw (it is specified by an arrow) adjustments of the accelerated turns of idling and rotate the screw before receiving the required turns. After carrying out adjustment tighten a lock-nut.
4. If the carburetor is installed in the car, warm up the engine up to the normal working temperature, then adjust the accelerated idling turns as it is described in subsection Check that at a pulling of the handle of control of the air gate draft turns in a closed position against the stop of the lever. If necessary adjust a cable of control of the air gate.
5. Connect a tachometer to the engine.
6. Start the engine, completely extend the handle of control of the air gate and compare engine turns to the accelerated idling turns given in subsection 6.1.1. For adjustment weaken a lock-nut and, rotating the screw of adjustment of the accelerated idling turns, establish the required turns.
7. After carrying out adjustment tighten a lock-nut.
8. Switch off the engine and disconnect a tachometer.