85425ea0 Engines 16D and 16DA (till May, 1989)

Check and adjustment of gas distribution in the described models are much more difficult, than in petrol engines, for the reason, that on distributive the shaft or a pulley of the camshaft does not have adjusting tags. In this case it is necessary to use special tools.

Check and adjustment

1. Install the piston No. 1 in VMT. The adjusting tag of a pulley of the fuel pump is combined with the index on a pump arm (the adjusting tag and the index are shown by shooters).
2. Remove the air filter. Disconnect a ventilating hose and uncover a head of the block of cylinders. If necessary remove the vacuum pump.
Use of the KM-537 tool
3. The tool can be manufactured independently.
4. Having combined adjusting tags of a bent shaft and the fuel pump with the indexes corresponding to them, install the tool to the place of the vacuum pump and turn the camshaft so that the pin of the tool entered an opening in a back part of a shaft. If the pin enters an opening, so gas distribution is adjusted correctly.
5. If the pin does not enter a camshaft opening, stop a shaft a wrench and weaken a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a shaft. Slightly shift a pulley, having knocked on it with the wooden hammer. Turn the camshaft until the pin of the tool does not enter a shaft opening. Insert a new bolt of fastening of a pulley. Remove the tool and tighten a bolt of fastening of a pulley the required moment.
Use of the dial measuring instrument
6. The KM-537 tool cannot be used in models of late release as in these models there are no openings in which the tool is screwed in. Instead of KM-537 it is necessary to use the dial measuring instrument and a suitable emphasis.
7. To check how gas distribution is adjusted, combine adjusting tags of a flywheel and a pulley of the fuel pump with the corresponding indexes and install the measuring instrument on an emphasis over the second, from a pulley, a camshaft cam (a cam of the inlet valve of the first cylinder).
8. Set an arrow of the measuring instrument to zero.
9. Accurately shift the measuring instrument together with an emphasis on 10 mm towards the top part of a cam. Indications of the measuring instrument have to make 0,55±0,05 mm. If this is so, gas distribution is adjusted correctly. If necessary make adjustment.
All methods
10. Establish all earlier removed details.