
12.4.2. Replacement of plugs of the lower lever of a forward suspension bracket

1. Remove the lower lever.
2. Using a press and a mandrel of the corresponding diameter, squeeze out the forward plug from the lower lever of a forward suspension bracket. You make expression of the plug from the forward party of the lever to back.
3. Moisten the new forward plug with soap water and, using a press and a mandrel of the corresponding diameter, press the plug into the lower lever of a forward suspension bracket. You make installation of the plug from the forward party of the lever. Vystupany plugs from the lower lever has to be uniform.
4. Note an arrangement of the back plug on the lever, then, resting against a forward part of the back plug, remove it from the lever.
5. Moisten the new plug with soap water and establish it so that the flat surface of the plug was directed to a pin of the spherical hinge.
6. Install the lower lever.