85425ea0 Engines 17DR

Installation of a gear belt

And – to pull a belt,
In – to weaken a belt tension,
1 – direction of rotation,
2 – opening,
3 – the highest point of the elevator of the valve of a cam No. 2,
4 – tags of the fuel pump for installation of the piston No. 1 in VMT,
  5 – flywheel tags for installation of the piston No. 1 in VMT,
6 – кив natyazhitel,
7 – index of a pulley of a natyazhitel,
8 – adjusting tag of a pulley of a natyazhitel,
9 – adjusting tag of the water pump,
10 – adjusting tag of the block of cylinders

Automatic natyazhitel of a gear belt

And – ledges on the water pump and the block of cylinders,
In – the index of a natyazhitel is combined with a cut in an arm of a natyazhitel,
  1 – turn the lever of a natyazhitel counterclockwise to weaken a belt tension,
2 – turn the lever of a natyazhitel clockwise to pull a belt


1. Remove a weight wire from the accumulator.
2. Take off auxiliary driving belts and the air filter.
3. Remove the top casing of a gear belt.
4. Examine a gear belt on existence of damages and pollution. If necessary replace a belt.
5. Unscrew bolts and remove a pulley of a bent shaft.
6. Remove the lower casing of a gear belt (bolts of fastening of the lower casing of a gear belt are specified by shooters).

Removal, installation and adjustment of a tension

1. If you watch the corresponding description in subsection 4.4.5, then but consider that you do not need to weaken bolts of the water pump and to rotate the pump as the tension of a belt is regulated automatically.
2. Unscrew a bolt of a natyazhitel of a belt and turn the lever of a natyazhitel to weaken a belt tension. Record a natyazhitel in such situation, having tightened a bolt. Take off a gear belt.
3. Check that the ledge on a flange of the water pump was combined with the corresponding ledge on the block of cylinders. If necessary adjust position of the water pump (see rice. Installation of a gear belt).
4. Pull a gear belt, having weakened a bolt of a natyazhitel and having turned the lever of a natyazhitel counterclockwise against the stop. Tighten a bolt of a natyazhitel.
5. Turn a bent shaft on two whole revolutions and check that adjusting tags are combined with indexes.
6. Again weaken a bolt of a natyazhitel and turn the lever of a natyazhitel so that to combine the index of a natyazhitel and a cut in an arm of a natyazhitel (see rice. Automatic natyazhitel of a gear belt). Tighten a bolt of a natyazhitel.