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1.27.4. Use of brakes

Learn to brake smoothly, without allowing blocking of wheels. It is even better to use smooth snubbing working brakes with simultaneous transition to low gears. Such reception provides course stability of the car even on slippery sections of roads and, besides, promotes fuel economy, increases a resource of tires and brake slips.

Skilled drivers, irrespective of existence of additional stoplights, expecting a possibility of application of working brakes, previously several times concern a brake pedal before operation of lamps of stoplights to draw the attention of the drivers moving behind it, to be ready to reduction of speed.

The brake way depends on reliability of operation of the most brake system, a condition of a protector of tires, load of the car, a profile of the road, type and a condition of a paving, and also on car speed. The brake way increases in proportion to a speed square i.e. if speed increases twice, the brake way increases four times.

If at serviceable suspension brackets, the adjusted angles of installation of forward wheels and normal pressure of air in tires when braking the car takes away aside and you need to dovorachivat a wheel to keep the direction of the movement, it is necessary to carry out audit of working brakes.

Taking for the first time the wheel of other car, check on the free section of the road work of brakes at speeds of 40, 60 and 80 km/h that is necessary for assessment of a condition of brakes and acquisition of the first skill.

In order to avoid "prikipaniye" of brake shoes to drums do not put the car on the long parking with the switched-on parking brake.

That brake shoes did not freeze to drums after movement along wet roads at sharp fluctuations of temperatures, do not leave the car on the open area with the tightened parking brake, without having dried a brake smooth braking at the movement to the parking.