this 85425ea0

1.1. Environment protection and economy of energy

Modern style of driving provides decrease in noise level and amount of exhaust gases. It in a high measure pays off and promotes increase in the standard of living. Therefore it is necessary to go, caring for energy: "more kilometers there are less gasoline".

Excessively sharp acceleration considerably increases fuel consumption. Squeal of tires and a roar of the motor at valiant start increase noise level approximately four times.

At the first opportunity carry out switching to higher transfer. The car speeding at 50 km/h on the second transfer makes as much noise how many three cars driving at the same speed on the fourth transfer.

Uniform speed

Try to drive the car as often as possible on the highest transfer.

At the movement in the city often already over 50 km/h it is possible to move on the 4th transfer. At the movement on the 3rd transfer you consume at a speed from 50 to 80 km/h 30% more fuel, than on the 4th transfer, and influence on Wednesday high noise level.

The movement in the city

Frequent start-off from the place and a stop, for example, on traffic lights, considerably increases average consumption of fuel and noise level. Avoid unnecessary stops provident driving. Whenever possible choose streets with a good transport stream. Due to preservation of a sufficient distance and without jumping in empty intervals you will avoid unnecessary accelerations and braking which are the reason of increase in noise and quantity of exhausts, and also increase fuel consumption. The special attention is required by driving in residential areas and, first of all, at night.


Idling the engine also consumes fuel and makes noise. Already at the parking lasting more than 1 minute it is recommended to switch off the engine. Three minutes of work idling correspond to about a kilometer of the movement!

High speed

The speed of the movement is higher, the fuel is consumed more. At the movement on full gas too much fuel is burned and excessive noise is formed. Even insignificant dumping of the accelerator pedal significantly saves gasoline without noticeable loss in speed. With growth of speed noise of wind and tires strongly increases. The sound made by tires on the highest transfer already at a speed over 70 km/h determines car noise level. The car at a speed of 150 km/h makes as much noise how many four cars at a speed of 100 km/h or ten at a speed of 70 km/h.

Air pressure in tires

Low pressure is wrapped in double loss of money: higher fuel consumption more wear of tires.

Loading of the car

The unnecessary overload increases fuel consumption, especially at accelerations (the movement in the city). When loading in 100 kg in the conditions of the city consumption of fuel can increase on 0,5 l / 100 km.

The top luggage carrier, the holder for skis

The top luggage carrier and the holder for skis can increase fuel consumption approximately by 1 l / 100 km owing to the raised air resistance. It is recommended to remove a luggage carrier if it is not used.