
1.20. Automatic transmission

After start of the engine and before inclusion of transfers press a brake, otherwise the car will "creep". You do not press at the same time a pedal of an accelerator and a brake. It is practically possible to go by situation "D" always.

By soft pressing of a pedal of an accelerator there is an early switching to transfers to economical fuel consumption. Manual switching is necessary only in exceptional cases. "2" and "1" – only if you want to avoid switching to higher transfer or when braking by the engine.

As soon as the road situation allows, switch to "D".

Provisions of the lever of switching of P, R and N

Р = parking. Forward wheels are blocked. Only at the standing car and the switched-on emergency brake.

R = backing. To include only at the standing car.

N = neutral situation and idling.

In situation "P" or "N" at the tightened emergency brake start the engine. At gear shifting not to press gas.

Step of "D". Long situation for normal conditions of driving on transfers with 1 on 3.

After start of the engine and inclusion the "D" transmission always works in the mode of economic driving.

Step "2". Situation for driving on 1–2 transfers, for example, on the mountain serpentine, at the same time a box does not switch to the 3rd transfer.

Step "1". Situation for the maximum brake effort, for example, on abrupt descents; the box does not switch to transfers higher than 1.


Kickdown – sharp pressing against the stop an accelerator pedal.

Pressing of a pedal of an accelerator against the stop: at a speed below a certain value the box switches to lower transfer. It is applied to acceleration with use of full capacity of the engine.


To shake the car which got stuck in sand, dirt, snow or in a ditch, it is possible to switch at slightly pressed pedal of an accelerator a control lever between "D" and "R". To hold the frequency of rotation of a shaft of the engine as low as possible and to avoid sharp pressing an accelerator pedal.

The way described above to apply only in exceptional cases.

Exact maneuvering

For exact maneuvering, for example, at the parking, arrival in a garage, etc., it is possible to use effect of slipping on biases. To regulate the speed of the movement an easy otpuskaniye of a pedal of a brake.

Not to involve at the same time the accelerator pedal and brakes at all.

Additional braking by the engine

For use of brake functions of the engine during descent it is timely to include "2" or if that is demanded by a situation, "1" step.

Especially effectively brake action at a step "1". If "1" it is included at too high speed, the box will continue to work at the 2nd transfer until when, for example, due to braking, the point of transition to the 1st transfer is reached.


The included step at a stop with the working engine can be kept.

At a stop on slopes surely involve the parking brake or press a brake pedal – do not hold the car on the place by increase in speed on the included transfer.

At long parking, for example, in a stopper or on moving, switch off the engine.

Before an exit from the car at first turn on the parking brake, then switch on "Р" and take the ignition key.