8.1.8. Removal, check and installation of the coil of ignition
Removal and installation
1. Remove a weight wire from the accumulator.
2. Mark and disconnect low-voltage wires from the ignition coil.
3. Disconnect a high-voltage wire from the ignition coil.
4. Unscrew bolts and remove the ignition coil.
5. Installation is made in the sequence, the return to removal.
1. For check of the coil of ignition it is necessary to use an ohmmeter.
2. Check integrity of primary winding of the coil of ignition, connecting an ohmmeter to positive and negative plugs of the coil of ignition.
3. Integrity of a secondary winding of the coil of ignition can be checked, connecting an ohmmeter to the positive plug of primary winding and to the high-voltage plug.
4. Check that there is no connection between the high-voltage plug and the case of the coil of ignition.