
8.2.1. Technical characteristic

Contactless system of ignition

System type

L models 1,3 and 1,4 with the carburetor
AC Delco system
L models 1,4 and 1,6 with system of injection of fuel
Multec MSTS-h with Hall's sensor operated by the microprocessor (Compound with system of injection of Multec CFi fuel)
Models of 1,6 l with the carburetor:
  – 16 SH
The ignition distributor with Hall's sensor
  – models with the engine 16 SV:
     • till 1988
With the inductive sensor, microprocessor MZV
     • since 1989
With Hall's sensor, microprocessor E1 Plus (also known as EZ Plus)
Models 1,8 liters:
  – models with the engine 18 E
The ignition distributor with Hall's sensor
  – models with the engine 18 SE
With the inductive sensor, microprocessor E1 61 (before known as EZ 61)
Models 2,0 liters
With the inductive sensor, microprocessor (system compound with Bosch Motronic)
Operating procedure of cylinders
1 – 3–4–2 (Number 1 from a gear belt)
Direction of rotation of a rotor
Counterclockwise (if to take a detached view covers)

Installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition

In the idling mode (with the disconnected vacuum tube – only early models):
Models of 1,4 liters
5 ° to VMT
Other models
10 ° to VMT

Ignition coil

Resistance of primary winding (approximately)
1,2 – 1,6 Ohms
Resistance of a secondary winding (approximately)
7 kOhm

Tightening moments

Spark plugs
20 Nanometer