2.12. Accumulator
Purity of the rechargeable battery and, in particular, its top surface is especially important as the dirt layer collecting on it easily forms electroconductive routes which lead to a battery self-discharge. Purity is important not only for the served rechargeable battery, as well as for the unattended battery which, despite the name, is not absolutely unattended.
The accumulator is located on the left forward side of a motor compartment. |
1. Using a metal brush, clear plugs of the accumulator and the plug of wires. If necessary wash out plugs soda solution in warm water. Be careful that solution of soda did not get to banks of the accumulator. |
2. Check that nuts of the fastener of the accumulator are reliably tightened. Do not draw a nut as the case of the accumulator can be damaged. |
3. Before connection of clips of the accumulator grease plugs with acid-free vaseline and an anticorrosive compound. |
4. Periodically (1 quarterly) check degree of state of charge of the rechargeable battery for what measure electrolyte density in banks of the rechargeable battery. |
5. Check density of connection of clips of the accumulator (A) and integrity of isolation of wires (In). |
6. If on plugs of the accumulator there is a corrosion in the form of a white friable raid, disconnect plugs from the accumulator and clear them a small wire brush. |
7. Using a small wire brush, clear plugs on the wires connected to the accumulator. |